What's your favorite video game?

2016-04-25 9:20 pm

回答 (87)

2016-04-26 12:26 am
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Mario bros and Lego marvel
2016-04-25 11:07 pm
Diablo 3
2016-04-27 12:09 pm
Assassin's Creed Syndicate.
2016-04-26 6:45 pm
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories Trailer #1
2016-04-26 12:11 am
COD up to MW3 (rest became bad), Total war series, wargame series, XCOM series, and Civ 5
2016-05-01 2:16 pm
Assassian creed unity
2016-04-30 8:38 am
Halo 5
Cod series
Bf series
Some other i cant think of
2016-04-30 1:15 am
fallout 3
2016-04-29 3:58 pm
Gosh maybe Red Dead Redemption and the Fallout series as a whole
2016-04-29 5:13 am
The Sims
2016-04-28 7:36 pm
monkey ball for gamecube
2016-04-27 11:20 pm
2016-04-27 7:37 am
Final Fantasy 6 and 10
2016-04-27 2:28 am
Probably L.A. Noire. Every mechanic of that game for me was perfect. The storytelling was perfect, and each investigation was intriguing. Add a layer of free roaming in 1940's America on top of that and for me you have an incredible masterpiece.
2016-04-26 5:06 pm
Resident Evil 2
2016-04-26 3:06 pm
Infamous seires.
2016-04-26 6:37 am
Star Conflict

It's a little known Arcade space shooter MMO made by the same company and with the same engine as War Thunder. It's hugely underrated and unjustly obscure, in spite of being rated "overwhelmingly positive" on Steam and completely free to play.
2016-04-26 4:39 am
COD, Metroid series, and Ikaruga(look this game up it's challenging but helluh fun!)
2016-04-26 2:37 am
E.T for the atari, superman 64, and big rigs off road racing
2016-04-25 10:05 pm
Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Uncharted 2, Minecraft, Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds, or Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl
2016-05-04 12:50 pm
My personal favourite is Dead Space 2, I love it so much I want a re-mastered version for PS4 and XBOX ONE
2016-05-03 7:57 am
Lego Marvel
2016-05-02 1:27 pm
Tomb Raider definite edition
2016-05-01 10:35 pm
Max Payne for life !! :)
2016-05-01 8:52 pm
Mine craft
2016-05-01 7:13 pm
Rn it would be OSU!
2016-05-01 7:05 pm
Minecraft is my life day and night .. I have no friends..
2016-05-01 5:07 pm
2016-05-01 3:25 am
Of all time is probably Sly Cooper Series.
2016-04-30 3:17 pm
Assassin's creed 2
2016-04-30 3:04 pm
Candy Paradise Sweet Candy
2016-04-30 7:12 am
2016-04-30 6:56 am
Skyrim and left 4 dead! Hands down~
2016-04-30 4:11 am
My all time favorite game is Super Mario 64. My favorite series ever is a toss up between Saints Row, Hitman, Banjo Kazooie, and GTA. Metal Gear series is an honorable mention but I only played 3 of them.
2016-04-30 2:08 am
2016-04-30 1:23 am
2016-04-29 10:54 pm
Rocket league
2016-04-29 9:36 pm
Metal Gear Solid 3.
2016-04-29 7:10 pm
2016-04-29 6:19 pm
2016-04-29 3:05 pm
Tomb raider for ps1
any ps1 game
2016-04-29 2:36 pm
Kingdom hearts
2016-04-29 2:30 pm
The Last Of Us and Life Is Strange
2016-04-29 2:18 pm
mario bros
2016-04-29 11:32 am
Far cry
2016-04-29 11:14 am
My favourite game is NFS Most wanted.
2016-04-29 9:46 am
roblox is my most favourite and i do have many others too
2016-04-29 9:10 am
Without a doubt it would have to be Skyrim.
2016-04-29 3:25 am
Grand theft auto
2016-04-29 3:08 am
Dofus and Wakfu somewhat..
2016-04-29 3:00 am
Super Metroid
2016-04-29 12:14 am
2016-04-28 11:16 pm
So many good ones. The Devil May Cry series would probably take the cake.
2016-04-28 10:34 pm
All the games that i have on my ps2 and ps4 is my favorite
2016-04-28 10:20 pm
Casper: Spirit Dimensions - PS2

You pass by a pond that looks very beautiful and the gems you collect also beautiful .. very nice days.
2016-04-28 9:40 pm
GTA VO and Older Sa-Mp (SanAndreas MP)
2016-04-28 8:56 pm
Contra 4
2016-04-28 6:57 pm
Lost planet
2016-04-28 3:47 pm
2016-04-28 3:18 pm
gta 4
2016-04-28 3:01 pm
I Just Re-Purchase Grand Theft Auto San Andreas For Pc. I gotta Say Im proud i spent $10 on it. Been playing for the Mods
2016-04-28 8:39 am
2016-04-28 5:41 am
Asphalt 8
2016-04-28 2:51 am
It has to be GTA 5
2016-04-28 2:21 am
Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates, Undertale (even though the fandom is horrible), Metal Gear Rising, and Final Fantasy 6
2016-04-27 11:12 pm
2016-04-27 5:55 pm
GTA. Any GTA game is a blast.
2016-04-27 1:57 pm
Atari breakout
2016-04-27 12:58 pm
Far cry , It's my favourite .
2016-04-27 12:21 pm
Gra 5
2016-04-27 11:53 am
2016-04-27 7:45 am
Portal 2
2016-04-27 4:43 am
NHL 16
2016-04-27 3:05 am
Heroes & Generals, by Danish developer Reto-Moto
2016-04-26 11:19 pm
2016-04-26 10:53 pm
Football ;)
2016-04-26 9:41 pm
dota 2
2016-04-26 9:18 pm
Call of duty black ops 2
2016-04-26 9:00 pm
Madden 16
2016-04-26 8:16 pm
vice city
2016-04-26 7:29 pm
2016-04-26 6:31 pm
resident evil :)
2016-04-26 4:37 pm
In China video games are not so popular as Internet games. But I m a video game fan and I like Nitendo games a lot, such as zelda, mario...
2016-04-26 5:01 am
My game favorite is Shadow of the colossus and Metal gear revenge.
2016-04-26 3:34 am
2016-04-26 2:53 am
2016-04-26 2:05 am
2016-04-25 11:33 pm
Doom for GBA and Fire Emblem Fates Birthright.
2016-04-25 10:02 pm
Final Fantasy VI
2016-04-25 9:27 pm
the simpsons tapped out
2016-04-25 9:26 pm
參考: I play Defiance on PS3
2016-04-25 9:24 pm
I have many favorite games. There is no favorite game. There are too many consoles that I love to choose one game on each one.
2016-04-25 9:24 pm
Legend of Zelda
2016-04-25 9:22 pm
GTA series, WWE series, Madden series
2016-04-25 9:22 pm
After that, PES and WWE2K.
2016-04-25 9:21 pm
Of all time? My two favorites were both on the old NES, and they were Castlevania and Tecmo Super Bowl.
2016-04-25 9:21 pm
I don't have any all-time favorite video games but my favorite video game right now is an indie game called Salt and Sanctuary.
2016-04-25 9:21 pm
Dreamfall chapters so far.
2016-04-25 9:21 pm
2016-04-27 7:27 pm
my mommy touched the mailman
2016-04-26 1:38 am
2016-04-26 2:27 am
Your mom.

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