hey im addicted to pulling my pubic hair out?

2016-04-25 2:30 pm
basically i leave one of my finger nails long then break it half way off,then i curl my pubic hair around my finger nail and rip out the hair i cant stop its addicting any help,also i never shaved my genitle area once in my life as im afraid its going to grow back double,thats also another reason why i rip out the hair instead??any help??

回答 (4)

2016-04-25 2:33 pm
surely waxing or shaving would be far less painful than individually ripping each hair from the pore. surely this alone may stimulate them to grow more hair than just shaving?
2016-04-25 2:44 pm
This sounds like a serious problem a psychiatrist should look into.
2016-04-25 2:34 pm
That's called trichotillomania. It's an anxiety disorder related to OCD. People pull hairs because it soothes them. The problem is that the soothing doesn't last and the anxiety returns, so they pluck again.

The answer is therapy. You could shave so that there's nothing to pluck, but then you'd just find another nervous habit that would only temporarily help, so you'd keep doing that over and over.

Shaving doesn't change your future hair growth. That's a myth.

But the real answer is to see a therapist.
2016-04-25 2:33 pm
you're going to make it grow back triple by pulling it out.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:17:06
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