Do employers look at hs diploma if you have a college degree?

2016-04-25 6:28 am

回答 (5)

2016-04-25 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not really, usually the highest qualification you have trumps everything.

They might give your HSD a cursory glance in case there's anything interesting like they know the school or it was a jesuit-run all-boys boarding school or you graduated at the top of your class, but that's mainly just to pick up a talking point.
2016-04-25 6:43 am
2016-04-25 6:37 am
Possibly, if you are going to work for an employer in the same city or area as you high school, but usually, no. Some high schools do have have national reputations. My highschool does.
2016-04-25 6:31 am
Most do not. Some might ask.
2016-04-25 6:30 am

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