What do I do now?

2016-04-24 5:30 pm
I've been on a low calorie diet normally 600 the most for about a week now and today I accidentally slipped because I was with a group of friends and they all ordered donuts and they encouraged that I had one even though I told them I wasn't hungry and I had a stomach ache. (It was a strawberry frosted) I'm trying to get to 95 lbs. I feel really guilty for having it now and it messed up my original plan for eating today. Would excersising off the calories do anything?
F, 14, 104 lbs, 5'0 1/2

回答 (2)

2016-04-24 6:31 pm
Starvation diets do not work. Do you know why? Consistently eating too little slows your thyroid down, which slows your metabolism down, which slows weight loss down. Starvation is the OPPOSITE of what you want to do to lose weight.

One donut isn't going to be an issue any more than one salad would make you skinny.
2016-04-24 5:33 pm
Well I can tell you right now that your weight is definitely where it needs to be but if you want an easy workout to lose calories, I have a 100 calorie burn workout that I do everyday that will literally take you not even 5 minutes to do.
40 jumping jacks
30 crunches
20 squats
10 pushups

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