You want a democrat or Repulican as a president for 2016?

2016-04-24 3:02 am

回答 (8)

2016-04-24 3:03 am
I want one that the people who are governed selected and not one purchased by big business and banking.
2016-04-24 3:02 am
I'm voting Republican.
2016-04-24 3:43 am
How about an honest man .These 2 parties have been controlled by money for too long
2016-04-24 3:06 am
I'm indifferent. The end is nigh when it comes to the usual tax-and-spend nonsense. Maybe a fiscal conservative could save us from the collapse to come, but they'd end up taking the blame for it from all the people too ill-informed to understand that the collapse is the result of decades of irresponsible overspending and ill-advised market interference by both parties.

As far as I am concerned, it's time to prepare for what comes AFTER, not bother with trying to prevent or mitigate the collapse.
2016-04-24 3:03 am
2016-04-24 3:03 am
green party
2016-04-24 3:13 am
2016-04-24 3:03 am

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