Mixing ratio for 110 and 91 octane to get 93 octane?

2016-04-24 2:50 am
It's a 20 gallon tank

回答 (4)

2016-04-24 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
110 minus 91 is 19. 93 minus 91 is 2. Therefore mix 2 parts of 110 to 17 parts 91 to get 93. Like, 2 gallons of 110 to 17 gallons of 91 to get 19 gallons in your 20 gallon tank.
2016-04-24 3:00 am
This is a cool calculator for figuring octane mix ratios - http://wallaceracing.com/octane-mix-calc.php
2016-04-24 3:39 am
Visit gas pump that sells 93 Octane???
2016-04-24 6:56 pm
Tell your math teacher they don't sell 110 octane gas.

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