Sex Half Naked or Fully Naked?

2016-04-24 2:11 am

回答 (12)

2016-04-24 3:52 am
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Fully naked
2016-04-24 2:12 am
Fully naked.
2016-04-24 2:14 am
If I'm doing it out doors than half, but indoors definitely fully naked.
2016-04-24 2:49 am
At my age sex is good however I can freaking get it.
2016-04-24 2:35 am
I feel like it would depend on the mood.
2016-04-24 2:25 am
Both but the experience is much more pleasurable when l am fully naked ;)
2016-04-24 10:35 am
The only way to be for sex is fully naked.
2016-04-24 2:47 am
fully naked obviously
2016-04-24 2:42 am
Fully naked only
2016-04-24 2:14 am
One time I had sex wearing nothing but my cowboy boots...LOL!
2016-04-24 2:14 am
Half naked first round give her a few minutes so she can catch her breath the fully naked round two.
2016-04-24 2:13 am
you have sex?!!

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