Do you need to send identity for a VISA?

2016-04-23 10:47 am
My friend from Turkey is coming to the UK, so she needs a VISA. Apparently i need to email a photo of my ID and an invitation letter to the VISA people for her to be able to get the VISA.. Is this correct?

She is not an ID thief, she has shown me her passport etc and i have shown her mine.

回答 (4)

2016-04-23 4:19 pm
Yes, Turkey is not yet a full EU member.
2016-04-23 12:18 pm
Your so called "friend" who you don't know, you have never met is like many online so called friends scam merchants who are after using people to get money, IDs etc
No it is not true, the UK do not take any notice of "invitation letters" in fact it is more likely they would not get a visa and you never send anyone a copy of your ID EVER. They apply for a visitors visa, they either get it or not based on THEM no you or another online chat they string along
2016-04-23 12:00 pm
The ID THIEF is not your friend and has no intention of obtaining a travel visa.
2016-04-23 10:52 am

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