Is adult height predicted by your parents height?

2016-04-22 11:01 pm
I am a 13 year old guy. My mom is 5"5, my dad is 5"8.5 and I m about 5"8. Is this going to be my final height, because I am scared about me being that small because I want to be 6"0 at least. Thanks!

回答 (4)

2016-04-23 2:15 pm
when your done growing at the age of 21 you could be close to 6 ft 5 inches
2016-04-23 7:37 am
Height is genetic and generally most people end up similar to their parents but you can inherit height from any ancestor--taller or shorter. How tall you want to be is completely out of your hands. Looks like you will be taller than your dad but no one can say how much.
2016-04-23 2:49 am
There's nothing you can do about it.
2016-04-22 11:04 pm
It could. It also depends on your genetics. If anyone in your bloodline is tall then you have a chance of being tall. And so far it looks like you're going to be pretty tall since you still have a lot more growing to do.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:37:16
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