Can a guy dye their hair my mom made Bullshit reason people who are Bad People do that when in my High school people their dyed their hair?

2016-04-22 6:32 pm

回答 (4)

2016-04-22 9:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
People that dye their hair are not all bad.
Your mom is probably just trying to scare you straight.
I dye my hair all the time and I'm not a bad person.
2016-04-22 6:50 pm
it's your hair and dye if it you want too
2016-04-22 8:10 pm
If you are a minor, under the age of 18, your mom's reasons BS or not, are the only answers you need to know about (that matter anyway). That answer was no, then it's no. And asking strangers about your mother's style of raising you, won't get you what you want.

You do not get special treatment because you are 15, Autistic or male/female. Doesn't factor into your question, so shouldn't factor into the answers. But nice try on the sympathy play,

Now if you want to disobey your mother, you're the one that has to live with her. This is America, and you are free to do whatever you like, until your parents say no.
2016-04-22 6:36 pm
Jesus..... you go to school? really? What do they teach you? it ain't spelling, punctuation, grammar or English, that's for sure.

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