Will the Chicago Bears be better this year?

2016-04-22 4:31 pm

回答 (10)

2016-04-23 5:22 pm
On behalf of my Packer loving brother, no, they'll suck like they always do.
2016-04-23 12:15 pm
They'll always be garbage..... Go Packers!!!! Stop living in 1985
2016-04-22 9:28 pm
No, they'll regress.
2016-04-24 8:30 pm
No way.
2016-04-23 10:26 pm
Yes, the Chicago Bears should be better this upcoming season. However, the problem is that the Bears play in a very tough NFC North division. It will be tough for the Bears to even finish in 3rd in the division.
2016-04-23 7:40 pm
2016-04-23 3:52 pm
I sure hope they will be better than 6-10
fox didn’t have a great year to start off his career there
2016-04-23 12:00 pm
They shouldbe if they can stay healthy, but you never know until the season is played out.
2016-04-23 1:33 am
Well i think thy are makeing moves in the right direction.How much better remains to be seen.Still have Jay who can be good but is so inconsistant.If he could get a line in front of him it would be fun to see what he could do!I was surprised tehy did not even try to keep Forte.I wonder if the coaching staff sees something that many of us didn't
2016-04-22 10:59 pm
They likely will be, *if* Kevin White can play.

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