Is 2016 going to be national God Sees How Many Celebrities He Can Kill year?

2016-04-22 3:31 pm
I mean do you realize how many celebrities have died so far this year? Alan Rickman, David Bowid, Rene (I realize Rene died in 2015, but who cares), Chyna and Prince

You're all cunts.

回答 (7)

2016-04-22 3:37 pm
You forgot Frank Kelly.
2016-04-22 3:34 pm
It's a matter of demography (no not demonography). Basically there were more famous baby boomers than any prior generation and they are getting to an age now where it is statistically more likely that they'll die - It'll carry on like this for a couple of decades.
2016-04-22 4:02 pm
Except for Chyna who was a big strong hot woman; all those Hollywood and music entertainers are tiny, sickly, drug addicts. They are all naturally weaklings and sub-normals. That's why they are dropping like flys.
At 5’-2” Prince was 4 inches too tall to be considered a Dwarf or a Midget. But he was so small that an adult sized dose of anything could have killed him.
Prince died in an elevator like in his song. It seems fishy.
2016-04-22 3:43 pm
Nope, god doesn't exist. There is no set time or certain way everyone will die, so them dying isn't that shocking.

Edit: oh how I love when a Christian can't handle different opinions so they resort to name calling. It's gold
2016-04-22 6:07 pm
2016-04-22 3:57 pm
More celebrities are dying because our culture is creating more celebrities.
2016-04-22 3:43 pm

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