Do you fully support LGBTQ+?

2016-04-22 1:38 pm
I know some people, I'm looking at you q, support absolutely nothing in LGBTQ+, but is there anyone who supports certain things?
For instance, somebody may answer "I support the LG of LGBT but I don't support the made up things like bisexual, transgender, asexual, polysexual, panromantic etc."
My view: I fully support every aspect of LGBTQ+

回答 (7)

2016-04-22 2:15 pm
2016-04-22 2:27 pm
I support human rights for every human being.
參考: It suffices that we're all treated with dignity and respect under the law.
2016-04-22 3:26 pm
And I actually do support some lgbt people, lesbians, gays, and bisexuals.
Its the evil trannies that are out of line
2016-04-22 1:45 pm
2016-04-22 2:53 pm
It's getting harder and harder to support a group that spreads so much hatred. 10 years ago I fully supported gay rights, but now all I see from them is crap like "die cis scum" and "kill all men". I feel sorry for gays who actually want equal rights, because now they're associated with SJWs. SJWs are undoing all the progress that has been made over the past few decades, and no one takes them seriously anymore. It's a shame.
2016-04-22 2:24 pm
"My view: I fully support every aspect of LGBTQ+"

Me too.
2016-04-22 2:25 pm
Nobody is obligated simply through freedom of choice to fully support or protest anything. We are individuals with our own sense of right and wrong, strict moral codes, and ideals of what we do or don't agree with. Because of the overly zealous p.c. world we are living in now, it is practically demanded that you accept all of the changes in society, and it is getting really too bizarre. I'm not just referring to things going on in the gay and lesbian community, but society in general. I don't support the obsession with technology (stop reading your phones while walking down crowded city streets, peoples!), am sick of certain feminist agendas which have just gone too far and don't really support equal rights, and others forcing themselves with their agendas into our faces when the individuals who do this could care less. As Pink Floyd would say, "We don't need no education", so stop trying to teach us your view of tolerance of something a good majority of people don't give a rat's patootie about.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:15:56
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