My 16 year old friend list her virginity and now she wants me to lose mine.. I dont want to!?

2016-04-22 5:01 am
Okay so my friend has had sex for the first time with a guy she was dating for a week. They have had sex like 5-6times now (they have currently been together for 3 weeks) she enjoys it im assuming and now she keeps begging me to lose mine. The problem is, I DONT WANT TO.. I'm not interested in men.. Like some are cute but for some reason i like girls.. And she keeps trying to hook me up with dudes and i hate it! I dont want to lose my virginity to a guy or a girl this young, i want to wait a while.. But i told one of my other friends and he was like "she only wants you to do it so she wont be the only whore.." Help me make her stop. And no im not telling her that i like girls.. Because then she will try and hook me up with a girl..

回答 (7)

2016-04-23 10:32 pm
I am really good at this situations. I advice you to just ignore her. And I am not saying to quit being friends with her. if she brings up the topic just say ok to her and try to slightly avoid the topic until she gets it. Then probably she will act like she's mad but it just will be because she wants you to do it. But just be firm. It's not like you are stabing her on the back. You will keep being friends.

If you want more advice this is my e-mail: [email protected]
2016-04-22 6:30 am
Let your friend know that you will proceed to behave the way you feel is appropriate for you and to stop over-stepping your personal limits. Let her know it's not up to her to make such personal decisions about your life.

And yes, your other friend is right... she probably doesn't want to be the only whore on the block.

You do what's best for you, ALWAYS.

Please let this girl know she's intruding on your life and she has to stop.
2016-04-22 5:12 am
I'd recommend not listening to her, and trying to talk to her about what she's doing. I'm 18 and haven't even had my first kiss, there really isn't any rush, and I'd recommend waiting for the right person and the right time. But your friend seems like she's trying to force something on you and making rash decisions, so she's probably having issues that a friend could help with. A great friend always tries to help their friend when they think they need it.
2016-04-22 11:05 pm
If you don't want to then you don't have to. Tell her to stop or just ignore her.
2016-04-22 5:57 am
Ask her if her friendship toward you is based on whether or not you do all the things she does, and particularly on whether or not you have sex now? Tell her to be very honest with you. It's a simple question!

She can either answer or not answer. She can either say "yes", "no", or give neither of those answers. Whatever answer she gives if she chooses to answer, and especially if she answers "no" and follows up by acting like the answer is "no" (she could say "no" and still act or talk like her friendship IS based on this), should determine whether or not you continue to associate with her. After all, both you and she probably have other options on whom to associate with, if not each other.
2016-04-22 5:14 am
then tell her no you are not going to just to be one of the crowd ---- you dont like anyone enough to have sex with ---- she is not a whore she is an average teen
2016-04-22 5:09 am
Don't let anyone pressure you to do anything you don't want to do. Even if your in your 20's and still a virgin, no one can make you do anything you don't want to do. Hopefully your friend is using protection and on birth control too because with sex there are other concerns if you aren't married that you have to be concerned with such as pregnancy and std's are out there. Then how mature is the guy she sleeping with? He could be spreading their personal business around the school. There are little boys in grown men's bodies with their mentality!

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