大家好 本人父親(70歲) 今天醫生說他有肺癌 已是3期b 了 1,我想問現在我可以做d 咩呢? 2,香港有無咩機構可以幫到我? 3,3期b 多數還有幾耐日子? 4,有無d 中藥可以食下? 求大家 幫我想想方法 萬分感謝?

2016-04-21 5:17 pm

回答 (2)

2016-04-21 11:34 pm
[email protected] ...本人為肝癌中醫專業.....和中國三甲醫院配合...有興趣 :
2016-04-21 7:08 pm
god bless jesus love you and your father

baking soda
onion juice
百合 百合固金湯
manuka honey

Baking Soda (I used this back in 2007 with GREAT Results)

During my 37-years as a Health Researcher, I discovered that cancer cannot live in a pH (potential of Hydrogen) of 7.0 or higher. I then wrote a series of cancer reports and helped over 1,000 people recover from cancer naturally using baking soda, breathing exercises and good nutrition.

Dr. Tulio Simoncini, an oncologist from Italy used pure baking soda and water to cure many cancer patients. You may still be able to find some of his videos on YouTube. His method was to put baking soda solution into a blood vessel that feeds a particular organ that was plagued by cancer. The purpose was to get the solution directly to the cancer. In other instances, like the colon or lungs, he would insert a tube and irrigate the cancer cells directly. He was often able to clear up cancer in as little as 3 treatments.

Eventually he was shut down by the courts under pressure from the medical association and drug companies, because he was taking too much business away from the profession.

Dr. Otto Warburg in his Nobel Winning research found that cancer cannot grow in a pH of 7.0. Dr. Simoncini found however that when cancer has taken hold, that a pH of at least 8.0 is required to kill it. That is why I recommend taking sufficient baking soda to boost the pH to 8.0-8.5.

Anybody who has a pH of 5.5 for an extended period of time is guaranteed to get cancer and the vast majority of people are at that point right now.

If you already have cancer, you want to boost your pH from 5.5 to 8.5 rather quickly. Those who use methods that boost pH slowly, invariably see their cancer start to grow rather quickly. That is because cancer grows faster at 6.5 than it does at 5.5.

This is not a point of concern for anyone who understands and checks their pH first urine sample every morning. You can purchase pH test strips from some health food stores, chemical stores, universities or on the Internet.

In this short commentary, I will give you a simple recipe using baking soda and molasses than many people have used to eradicate cancer.

Mix 2 tsp. of baking soda (not baking powder) in 1 glass of warm water. Stir in 1 tsp. of black-strap molasses and drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Work your way up to doing this 3-times a day. The object is to get your pH up to 8.5 for a period of at least 7 days. I personally did this for 4 months, without any problems and I am not aware of any side effects from doing this.

I have seen stage-4 cancer completely gone from the bones in as little as seven days. I have seen success even with pancreatic cancer, which is perhaps the worst.

I can’t promise anything of course, but your odds are 99% better by attacking the cancer at its source, rather than further damaging your body through surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Statistics show that people who refuse these procedures live an average of 5-years longer than those who don’t and most of them aren’t using this protocol.

The theory for mixing molasses with the baking soda is that cancer feeds on sugars and the baking soda attaches itself to the molasses. When the cancer feeds on the molasses, it is killed rather quickly by the baking soda.

Note: My personal preference is to take baking soda without the molasses because the evidence produced by Dr. Simoncini is that Candida is killed by direct contact with baking soda and therefore mixing it with the sugars found in molasses would appear to unnecessary and perhaps even counterproductive. Nonetheless, I will still report what others have had to say on the subject.

Molasses is also rich in Potassium and Magnesium. Often times when taking baking soda, the body needs extra Potassium and perhaps even Magnesium to maintain a proper balance.

Baking Soda and Pure Maple Syrup:

"There is not a tumor on God´s green earth that cannot be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup." That is the astonishing claim of controversial folk healer Jim Kelmun who says that this simple home remedy can stop and reverse the deadly growth of cancers. His loyal patients swear by the man they fondly call Dr. Jim and say he is a miracle worker.

"Those other doctors told me that I was a goner and had less than six months to live as a result of my lung cancer,” said farmer Ian Roadhouse. “But Dr. Jim put me on his mixture and in a couple of months the cancer was gone. It did not even show up on the x-rays."

Dr. Jim discovered this treatment accidentally somewhere in the middle of the last century when he was treating a family plagued by breast cancer. There were five sisters in the family and four of them had died of breast cancer. He asked the remaining sister if there was anything different in her diet and she told him that she was partial to sipping maple syrup and baking soda.

Since then, reported by a newspaper in Ashville, North Carolina, Dr. Jim dispensed this remedy to over 200 people diagnosed with terminal cancer and amazingly 185 of them lived at least 15 more years and nearly half enjoyed a complete remission.

This treatment is a combination of pure, 100% organic maple syrup and baking soda. (Many of the nonorganic syrups are mixed with formaldehyde even though they say pure)

Cancer cells consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells. The cancer killing baking soda is dragged into the cancer cell along with the maple syrup, causing a very rapid shift in pH and oxygen levels, killing the cell.

The actual formula is to mix one part baking soda with three parts (pure, 100%) maple syrup in a small saucepan. Stir briskly and heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Research suggests taking 1 teaspoon daily, but one could probably do this several times a day or mix it with some of the other therapies for faster results.

The maple syrup apparently enables and increases penetration of bicarbonate into all compartments of body, even those which are difficult or impossible to penetrate by other means. These compartments include the central nervous system, the blood-brain barrier, joints, solid tumors, and perhaps even the eyes.

Another home remedy is 1/4 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda taken 2 or more times daily. Another treatment is lemon and baking soda, or lime and baking soda in water. Perhaps honey could be substituted for maple syrup or those who live in parts of the world where maple syrup is not available but to my knowledge no one has experimented with this. We do know that blackstrap molasses works.

Baking soda increases pH, which in turn increases oxygen levels in the body. Breathing exercises are also critical to increasing oxygen levels to the point of killing cancer cells quickly as well. (See Breathing Exercises)

Ionic Silver is a broad-spectrum preventative agent. It destroys yeast and bacteria in as little as 15 seconds and kills the viruses and mold that may also cause cancer.

Those suffering from cancer should drink four ounces of Ionic Silver on day one and four ounces on day two, sipping it every hour. Drink two ounces daily for the next five days; take two tablespoons twice daily thereafter as a maintenance dose. Do not drink Silver and Baking Soda at the same time however. Separate the two by at least one hour.

免疫療法殺癌 減副作用


公院未列一綫藥 1針數萬元


肺癌免疫療法 還在臨床試驗
2014-11-17 11:20:58 聯合新聞網 聯合新聞網






抗癌免疫系統 3失靈原因










免疫細胞放手 消滅癌細胞





北卡罗莱纳州的农民伊恩.罗德豪斯也体验了小苏打合剂神奇的治疗力量。“其他医生告诉我快死了,仅剩不到六个月的生命”,罗德豪斯说,“于是我选择了小苏打合剂,几个月的时间后我的肿瘤就消失了,甚至X 光都照不到了。”


詳細可看一書 醫生不知道 簡體書

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