How to improve 800m or?

2016-04-21 5:42 am
I'm on the track team (distance) of my high school and I personally love the 800. My pr is currently 2:52.1 I know it's slow but I want to improve it. This is my first year doing track, I'm a freshman so I have time to improve, but I want to know if there are any workouts that will help me improve. Thanks

回答 (2)

2016-04-21 7:14 pm
For right now, there isn't anything you can do other than the workouts your team is doing every day at practice. You need to get in the habit of running all year round, with some off time, some easy time, and then some specific, structured periods of training to prepare for season.

You can easily find off season training plans with a quick Google search.
2016-05-03 3:35 am
I m an 800 runner, girl, soph and my pr is 2:23. I started season at 2:35 and struggled to break 2:30. After some races I finally figured out what I was doing wrong after doing the math. I d go out at 71, then close the second lap at 79. My second lap was extremely slow.
Imo, I think that the 800m is speed endurance: being able to run quickly and ready to turn over your pace even when using your lungs hard. I think the second lap, or more specifically the 400m-600m, is where most inexperienced or unskilled 800 runners struggle. MANY people, in fact most newer runners, will slow down dramatically in that zone (the third 200 of the race) after passing the bell. After figuring this out, I put it into action.
So I ran arcadia (huge meet in US) and started the 4x800 and got 2:23 while in lane 3, during rain, and a crappy handoff. The reason my time was so good? Surged at the bell at the 450 mark. That, in my opinion, is the MOST underrated and important part of the 800. Of course everyone s a hero on the last 200 of the race, since you re kicking. But many do not do this tactic that indeed works. And then a few days ago I got second a varsity dual meet against rivals using this tactic (first was my really fast teammate who s pr is a 2:12, crazy right? she ran a 2:19 this time though haha)
Many people say to get out fast and go all out at the last 200 mark. Sure that is true, but there s more. what s helped me is starting my surge at the 450, a very very very quick pace if not equivalent to my kicking speed. You will see results, trust me!!

I suggest that you do the following at your level:
1 400 at 82 sec
4 200s at 36 sec each
2 200s, consecutive with 45 sec rest in between, at 36 pace for the first of this set, then your all out kicking pace goal for the second 200.
after some rest from that last set, like 3 mins rest...
4 barefoot sprints/fast striders about 80m on grass or turf, just to work on speed mechanics.

btw: i suggest you do cross country!!! it helps trains your endurance. good luck !!

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:13:24
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