i have star wars action figure but dont know who they are?

2016-04-21 1:43 am

回答 (7)

2016-04-21 1:44 am
Some fan you are
2016-04-21 2:22 am
The best thing to do is go on eBay and do a search for Star Wars action figures and compare those photos to yours. You should be able to quickly identify which ones you have.
2016-04-21 1:48 am
So why post in Movies and not Toys? And pictures would help...
2016-06-06 8:58 pm
Please, keep them. I love star wars and I say you gonna keep them somewhere safe.
2016-05-21 5:50 pm
Throw them in the trash then.
2016-04-25 9:17 pm
Find a discussion group for SW fans. I quoted a line from Star Wars. My son-in-law went to his room and came back with a miniature of the character in that scene. Major fans know the characters.
2016-04-21 1:44 am
a description is nice if you can't post a picture online

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