Why is suicide always said to be the wrong answer for short term solution? that actually dont seem short!?

2016-04-20 10:44 pm
And plus were all gonna go one day anyways what the point?

回答 (5)

2016-04-20 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Is that really how you think?

Don't you want anything?

Suicide IS a PERMANENT solution to a TEMPORARY problem.

Maybe you'll live long enough to accurately learn the colloquialism you are trying to lambast.
2016-04-20 11:01 pm
The correct quote is "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." And yes, of course we will all die one day, but why rush. You might miss the best day of your life.
2016-04-21 1:45 am
yes, we all die but we want to enjoy the journey until then. If you feel depressed and suicidal, tell a dr. and ask for Zoloft. Its the best antidepressant and it works wonders.
2016-04-20 10:58 pm
We are all going to grow old, too, so why miss out on that kind of experience?
2016-04-21 2:37 am
Animals don’t commit suicide from depression or anxiety or fear or any other negative emotion. So, you must have been conditioned into believing it is an okay response. As I explain below, I have a history of suicide attempts, so it’s likely you have what I have. It's a seemingly mild autistic condition that originated by inbreeding in royal families thousands of years ago and we have inherited in our family bloodline. Only suicidally loyal, clever, and courageous people get it. It was created by hit or miss selective bloodstock breeding. Ancient dynastic families needed loyal, clever, and courageous warriors as royal guards. So they bred these ‘esquires’. That is the chivalric name they were given. They were the ‘shield bearers’ of knights, priests, kings and emperors in war time. However, it had one major shortcoming. Suicidally loyal, clever, and courageous in war, we got suicidally disloyal, stupid, and reckless in peace.

To counter this disturbing quirk, their knights, priests, kings and emperors set up pedagogic societies as soon as wars were over to teach the squires suicide avoidance and prevention. The last one of which I'm aware was the County Surveyors Society of William the Conqueror and his Squires of the Shires of England, Odo and Robert. It rewarded suicidal loyalty, intelligence, and courage in war by granting hides of land, but deemed suicidal disloyalty, stupidity, and recklessness as sinful. Suicide was the worst sin because it took 15 years to train a squire, hence to commit suicide in peace was deemed disloyal, stupid and reckless. They regarded it as treachery. It was a huge waste. It created entropy. So, their instructors coached them in suicide avoidance and prevention.

The distinction between avoidance and prevention needs explanation. It is a differentiation between attempting one's suicide and failing, and, attempting one's suicide and succeeding. Attempting suicide was not sinful when failed. Those who did it were deemed ‘parfait savants’ (perfect servants). Only if it succeeded was it sinful. Those who did it were deemed ‘idiot savants’. Attempts to fail suicide satiated psychotic urges. So instructors actually encouraged them. Cutting, poisoning, hanging and drowning oneself were favourites of theirs as they were easy to teach.

I made between 2,200 and 2,500 (estimated) such ‘parfait savant’ attempts to fail suicide by 15½ to become an Esquire (Squire). I subsequently survived 34½ years without such attempts to become an Instructor (Supervisor, Overseer, or Surveyor). I'm 71 now, and have been coaching and counselling the pedagogy for 21 years. I used an office intranet system at first in the interests of security as it was all officially secret, then switched to the internet. And I’ve not lost a single client to suicide in that time, nor have I breached Official Secrets. It ceased as an Official Secret on 14 May 2014.

Want me to teach you? Go to http://bit.ly/1p7Tcl2. Type the name you wish me to know you by, and your best email address, in the text boxes provided. Then click the SUBMIT button. You will receive an email to ensure you aren't an autobot. When that’s done you will receive the first step of a 7 step program. It will crush churning thoughts and help you sleep better.

99.9% of my R&D test clients found the first step met their needs and went no further. But that’s just the ‘suicide avoidance’. For the full ‘suicide avoidance and prevention’ treatment I recommend you do all the Steps, numbered 1 to 7, inclusive. Step 2 shows you how to earn multiple active and passive incomes to increase your financial security. Steps 3 to 5 show you to be happier, more open minded, and free from negative ego. Step 6 shows you how to become ‘awesome’. And, step 7 teaches you how to be extraordinary.

Source(s): Seventy-one years of education, training and experience in making sense of my world and place in it. Fifty years of improving health, wealth, happiness and security of literally billions of people around the world as a county surveyor specialised in highways and transportation. And the last twenty one years, coaching and counselling tens of thousands in suicide avoidance and prevention activities effectively, efficiently, and economically.

See my website http://bit.ly/1LIJOeC
See my archive http://huff.to/22W8B7j
See my broadcasts http://cnn.it/1ZXotnJ
See my facebook http://bit.ly/22KlGmz

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