Write a 500 comparison on the help compared to the book to kill a mocking bird?

2016-04-20 9:31 pm

回答 (1)

2016-04-20 9:37 pm
What, and do your homework for you? Not happening.

I'm going to assume you read these books. (If you didn't, hang onto them for the future. Both are really quite good.) But say you did. Okay, how can you compare the two?

Both the main characters are females in the South. How are they alike and how are they different?

In what ways are the settings of the books similar or different? What accounts for the differences?

What is the role of black people in the society the book portrays? How do they accept or rebel against it?

Use examples from the books to illustrate your points as you make them.

I haven't read either one in at least six or seven years, and I could knock out 2000 words easy. 500 should be a piece of cake.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:11:39
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