what do u think of 22 yr. old guy dating 17 yr. old girl?

2016-04-20 4:36 am

回答 (5)

2016-04-21 1:52 am
That is absolutely fine. Personally, I wouldn't date a guy (I'm a girl, don't worry) more than 6 years older than me, unless, you know, he REALLY turns me on.. Er... Nvm.
2016-04-20 8:32 am
thats not legal. dont make it happen. u might get caught
2016-04-20 4:47 am
dating is legal even sex may be legal depending on the local age of consent ---- check it out ---- this obsession with age is really unhealthy emotionally
2016-04-20 4:46 am
I don't care for it but that's my opinon. But if your serious about it then talk to her parents and get there blessing. And check the age of consent for your state. Just to be safe. Bottom line wait till she's 18.
2016-04-20 4:40 am
I never think about it

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