My friend is embrassing me by saying how i have head lice when i don t?

2016-04-19 5:03 pm
My hair is really thick , i got to admit i have dry scalp but i wash my 3 times a week , my friend is saying how i have head lice when i dont? What should i do when she says it again?

回答 (9)

2016-04-19 5:11 pm
I think you should make a joke on yourself and just laugh on it. Laughing on yourself will help you from getting embarrassed and your friend will think that you dont even care what she says, so she will stop saying it again as she knows that you will again make joke and laugh it out :) . If you directly scold her then it may create a conflict between you and your friend ultimately breaking your friendship, but this method will not even break your friendship but she'll even stop talking about the lice thing ;) . Be cool! Be happy! Cheers :)
2016-04-19 5:10 pm
tell her u dont like it and its not nice. she sucks and is probably jealous of ur hair.
2016-04-19 7:54 pm
Laughing on yourself will help you from getting embarrassed and your friend will think that you dont even care what she says, so she will stop saying it again as she knows that you will again make joke and laugh it out :) . If you directly scold her then it may create a conflict between you and your friend ultimately breaking your friendship, but this method will not even break your friendship but she'll even stop talking about the lice thing. A true friend would care for your feelings, and not want to embarrass you. Confront her about it.
2016-04-19 9:47 pm
Just say of I got them, I got them at your house. From your brush, from you (if you just have to play that silly game).
2016-04-19 6:51 pm
Then she's not being a good friend. A true friend would care for your feelings, and not want to embarrass you. Confront her about it. Politely tell her it embarrass you and that you wish she would stop. If she continues, find someone better to hang around.
2016-04-19 5:14 pm
yeah, I got them from you, and they are really not the quality head lice I am used to, you can have them back.

my head lice are a lot smarter than your head lice

That's strange, they have moved to your head more than a month ago. They said they like it a lot better there.

That's not head lice you are seeing, that the aftereffect of the weed you've been smoking.

I think you really need to get new glasses. Have you had an eye exam recently?

- what generally works best is to turn it into a joke or something absurd, preferably making the person annoying you the butt of the joke.
2016-04-19 5:04 pm
Get new friends.
2016-04-19 11:16 pm
She's just an idiot who does not know what she's talking about. It's obvious she does not know the difference between dry scalp and head lice.
2016-04-19 6:12 pm
she's an Azzhole

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