am I too skinny or am I fat?

2016-04-19 1:32 pm
I am a 13 year old girl, I am 5'5 and I weigh 56kgs. But I think I'm fat, the scale say I'm under weight my mum says I'm to skinny but when I look in the mirror all I see is fat.

Am I fat? Or am I under weight?

回答 (6)

2016-10-30 6:57 pm
Am I Too Skinny
2016-04-20 6:07 am
If you see fat, ur overweight, but that's ok bc u can always look really healthy, u can easily lose 5-10 pounds in 3-4 weeks if u do abs 6 days a week ( search 5 min abs on YouTube) & if u eat only 3-4 meals a day but u stop eating when ur not hungry anymore, NOT UNTIL UR FULL, that's how u gain weight, only eat when ur pretty hungry too, u will look ******* amazing if u do this plan
2016-04-20 4:54 am
Your perfect :)
2016-04-19 4:02 pm
You are at the low end of the spectrum fro healthy weight. Not fat by any means.
2016-04-19 2:11 pm
Your bmi says your in a healthy weight range :)
2016-04-19 1:33 pm
Show a picture... We can't tell from numbers

Also medically, you're underweight

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