What do you think of LPN as a career is it reliable?

2016-04-19 8:41 am
I just have a few questions regarding LPNs im only 17 so i wont be graduating until next year i just wanna make sure this is something i want to do so my questions.

1) would this be a good career as in long term? I know some people start off with LPN then countine schooling and then later become an RN and i may or may not do that so could i live a comfortable life? (its just me i dont plan on getting married or having kids no time soon).

2) is the salary good? I know ultimately it depends on the state , i live in colorado .. i also plan on maybe moving to California or Manhattan a few years after starting my career so could you maybe tell me the salaries for each state.

3)is it worth it? Just being a LPN?

And lastly

4) what are the duties of an LPN in a hospital and maybe nursing homes and clinic?

Side Note: i know you may say "google it" but the information I've found is from years ago 8+ and i know times have changed so i just wanted some updated answers. Thanks

回答 (2)

2016-04-20 2:04 am
I can find pretty up to date information quickly at most of the professional sites. You can too.

LPNs have a limited scope, and also a limited salary. They must work under supervision of an RN, and as such employment opportunities are limited. You won't find work in hospitals in most cases. Many hospitals won't even hire an ADN RN. You can find work in a SNF or an ALF as an LPN. Salaries will vary greatly depending on geographic area - big city versus rural town, which state, etc - and also will vary depending on setting. While we can all google information on salaries for you, it seems like it would be best for you to do that yourself. Salary numbers are always lagging, but are by no means 8 years old on any basic salary site.

No one can tell you whether it is "worth it" to be an LPN. That is entirely subjective, and entirely up to your skills, abilities, and desires. What is a fantastic field for one person would be a horrible experience for another. Only you can decide how much education you want, what you want out of a job, what skills you bring to the table, etc.
2016-04-19 9:32 am
Sorry NOT enough room here to educate u.
Start in libraries.
"plans" never work out.
Spend some months reading learning about multiple areas of interest about being employed in extremely high costs taxed states (NY, CA).
Libraries got answers for u locally.
參考: Employer of uninformed kids

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