OK so I hear so much about girls with thigh gap ...what is that ???

2016-04-19 5:19 am

回答 (4)

2016-04-19 5:25 am
Girls who are built on the thin side, with slim hips and legs, tend to have an open space between their legs , even when they are standing with them closed. No big deal. But lots of plumper girls wish they had one!
2016-04-19 6:37 am
its when your hips are very wide that you can see a gap between the legs or you are so very skinny that when you walk or stand people can actually see everything between your legs. your thighs don't touch at all and there is like an inch or more of space when you stand with your legs together.
its really dumb.
2016-04-19 5:43 am
Many people don't have it. Genetics deal with that, some skinny girls can't acheive it. It's the reason people need to continue to buy more pants if they walk. It's the reason i need to have 100 pairs of jeans in my closet, in case one of them wears away in the middle, as a guy i don't have a thigh gap either and i'm jacked.
2016-04-19 5:28 am
It's a DNA thing so very few have it. It's an empty space between the upper thighs so they don't touch each other when standing with legs together. You need to be born with that trait.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:40:49
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