Which City in the United States Should I Move to?

2016-04-18 10:55 pm
Although it will be four years until I will be able to legally move away, I have no desire to stay where I am currently residing for longer than I must. Therefore, I have been looking into different cities and such to get a rough view of where I would fare best once I am in the financial situation to move away. Although I have done quite a bit of research, I am curious as to what others would say. Currently I live in Michigan, and therefore am quite accustomed to cold weather. I enjoy it, honestly. I would like to move to a city which rains quite often year round, but not a city anywhere near the South. Also, I adore large cities. I would quite enjoy living in a high-rise apartment, and wouldn't mind public transport if it were reliable (as it would most likely be the cheapest option). Neither "uneducated" cities nor extremely warm cities (such as Miami or Los Angeles) appeal to me either. I've been considering places in Washington (near the west side of the state where it rains more often or Seattle) or Chicago as well to give you more of a view of which places I like. If nobody can think of a city, I am also deeply drawn to areas which are homes to harbours and such. Any place near a sea which rains often would be ideal to me, really. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! xx

回答 (5)

2016-04-26 7:07 am
Portland, Oregon or Boise, Idaho
2016-04-21 6:01 pm
I laud your early planning, but in 4 years, cities can change their entire financial and living standards structure. The place that looks great today could be a war zone in 4 years.

My advice is to watch the news (not just the mainstream liberal news, but also the Fox conservative side and do your own comparisons because the real news is somewhere in between the two!) and study the history, lifestyles and anything else you can find about the various cities in your area of interest. Places from Portland, ME to Baltimore, MD on the east coast and Seattle, WA to Portland, OR on the west coast fit well. Each is very different for the next, so finding one that fits exactly what you want should be possible.
2016-04-19 4:34 am
50,000 people move to Seattle every year, making the cost of housing skyrocket. Sure, people like it there, but the cost keeps going up. Four years from now it will be a lot more expensive. There are better places in western Washington where it doesn't cost so much. I live about 100 miles from Seattle, in the mountains. We love it here and we moved eight years ago from Michigan.
2016-04-19 3:06 am
Pacific NW, western Washington or western Oregon. If you want a bigger city, either Seattle or Portland are what you describe.
2016-04-19 12:24 am

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