can I go to school with strep?

2016-04-18 10:34 pm
about a day or two ago (when I didn't have school) my throat started to hurt, fever chills (etc) so I stayed home from school today and went to the doctors. I have strep and by the time tomorrow comes I will have taken 4 of the antibiotics. we have standardized testing tomorrow so if I can go I really need to. also my doctors office is closed for the night so I can't call and ask. thoughts?

回答 (5)

2016-04-19 7:13 pm
If you've been on antibiotics for 24 hours by the time school starts for the day, go ahead. Otherwise no, you'll have to miss school.
2016-04-19 1:31 am
no its highly contagious.
2016-04-18 11:09 pm
You really shouldn't. Strep is very contagious. After you take antibiotics for about 48 hours is when the antibiotics kick in and you shouldn't be contagious any more.
2016-04-18 10:43 pm
You can but you are not supposed to. Strep is very highly contagious! You will infect many others if you do.
2016-04-18 11:14 pm
The CDC says that antibiotics need to be taken a minimum of 24 hours before returning to work or school. Other sources say that you should wait at least 24 ours after the fever is gone.

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