In an entry level job, can I get fired if I ignore my boss when they are texting me on my day off?

2016-04-18 8:19 pm
I work part time, usually five days a week. I cover shifts and work longer shifts every week because I'm asked to, but recently I am getting texts and calls every day to come in and work earlier or to cover someone's shift. I don't have any problem helping out and covering shifts but I get so many texts when I am simply trying to enjoy my day off where I was not scheduled to work. Is it bad if I do this and chose not to work? My boss does not like it when I say no (of course) but would there be anything in my working contract that would say I need to be somewhat available to work "last minute"...?

Yeah, maybe a dumb question but I really don't know. I am very helpful to the store, I always show up on time, I do cover and help them out quite a bit already. I still feel kinda guilty and think my boss might fire me because I'm ignoring them and they could claim it was an "important" situation they needed me for. Btw my position is just a sales person..

Thanks for your help.

回答 (8)

2016-04-18 8:23 pm
If you have a written employment contract, you need to read it. I'm guessing you don't as most entry level positions don't.

If you don't, yes, they can fire you for any reason that is not prohibited by law such as race, religion, gender, etc. If they need someone to be on call, they need to have employees who are willing to do that. If you aren't, then you aren't a match for the job. No harm, no foul.

If there is no contract, you can quit your job any time you like...and likewise, they can make staffing changes anytime they like.
2016-04-19 7:24 pm
Yes you can get fired for ignoring you bosses texts.
2016-04-18 10:46 pm
2016-04-18 9:52 pm
There is no law that says you cannot leave your phone at home, therefore you do not see any texts your boss sends.
2016-04-18 9:44 pm
yes you can
2016-04-18 8:33 pm
I would just tell them you dont check your phone very often on days off, I have mine on mute often. Unless of course you are in a high paying position where they need answers for something, then you should answer at least.
2016-04-18 8:25 pm
In most states, you can get fired for pretty much any reason. Entry level positions do not typically have contracts (unless you are at a place that is unionized). If you do not recall negotiating this specific condition (not to be asked to come in on your day off), then you probably do not this right under the terms of your employment.
2016-04-18 8:23 pm
You can be let go for ANY reason, or for no reason at all!

Just "ignoring" texts from your Boss (when it is so SIMPLE for him to see if you have received & opened them!) sounds like a great way to shorten your tenure at that position, that's for sure!

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