I had a dream of someone standing next to my bed.My back is turned so I cannot see but I can feel the presence of a person.?

2016-04-18 12:32 am

What does it mean when you think it is real when in fact you are dreaming of someone standing next to your bed. Your back is turned and you try very hard to turn your head to see who this is but no luck! I have had this kind of dream before.

回答 (3)

2016-04-18 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is a very common illusion. Seems real and scary, but it's not.


It's the result of regaining partial consciousness while the body is still undergoing sleep paralysis. It's very common, doesn't mean anything, and not harmful.
2016-04-18 3:54 pm
Could this have been a form of sleep paralysis taking place close to falling asleep? I ask because sensing the presence of others in the room (or even hearing them) is a characteristic of that sleep state, and if it IS, then it has no special meaning. because everyone has similar experiences in this type of dream.
But if it's a regular dream I would guess that it expresses that you have a feeling of someone's attitudes or beliefs or opinions present in the background of your consciousness influencing you. It could be that this manifested in some way in the day before the dream. Your back to them signifies not only that you are not fully aware of it but also that you can't see them, and to me this usually means you don't really want to acknowledge who it is, because there is some feeling that to know who it is and to tell them to leave you alone would be "forbidden," similar to how a small child feels that they are not allowed to show anger to mom or dad or contradict them, accuse them, etc., since the adults are much more powerful and it even feels like they hold our lives in their hands (often they do).
So an example could be that while growing up we are told certain things over and over by our mother (like "You're a liar just like your father" for example) and we adopt those things as our own beliefs, but they really aren't our own and probably not even true. So it is as if mother is standing behind us, out of sight, directing us to feel or act in a certain way.
Then, since you are lying in bed in the dream, it could also be a memory of someone coming into your room at night when you were young, which could mean something traumatic or just scary. These kinds of memories can creep into our dreams and be repeated many times.

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