Turkey hunting help?

2016-04-17 9:54 pm
So i went turkey hunting the last two mornings and heard some gobbling but my problem i have is that i will call in a tom and it sounds like he is getting closer, then he just stops and wont come in any closer. I use a slate and box calls, then for decoys i had a hen and then a jake behind that. But i dont know what im doing wrong. I harvested a turkey last year with the same decoys. Is it just my calling or the turkeys.

回答 (8)

2016-04-18 10:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It happens all the time. They just hang up. Then the next time you'll hear a turkey way off in the distance and he'll get up, fly right to the decoys and land. The best analogy I've ever heard for a turkey is this. You know when you walk into a room and you can't remember what you came into the room to get? That's how a turkey lives its whole life. Don't try to understand them. Just accept them as inconsistent.
2016-04-17 10:41 pm
Geez, kid. It's called learning to hunt. Does your mommy have to go with you and hold your hand? You young people today are totally helpless without the internet. Are you going to go through your whole life posting questions online asking how to live your life? Learn by doing.
2016-04-17 10:46 pm
Turkey hunting is incredibly frustrating. They are the smartest dumb animal on the planet. I HATE turkey hunting. The ticks are what seals the deal. No turkey hunting for me thank you.
2016-04-18 4:50 am
Jackrabbit Slim hit the nail on the head. Turkey hunting will drive you crazy. I still go but not as often as I did.
I have always heard that the turkey should have been our national bird instead of the Eagle. I don't know if that is true or not.
2016-04-17 10:44 pm
Why are you hunting poor defenseless turkeys! Go to the grocery store like everyone else does and buy your turkeys there where no poor defenseless turkeys were murdered!
2016-04-21 10:15 pm
Something else to remember about turkeys. They have unbelievable sight, hearing and motion detection abilities. The slightest movement can send them in the other direction and you need to have only blinked at the wrong time! (even in a cammo net hood!) They will often see your location long before you see them coming. I've had them come straight towards me and then disappear as they flew behind a tree and not reappear! They are great at hiding and moving quickly, but quietly when they want.
2016-04-18 8:41 pm
Just a thought, they may have heard you set up and are weary if your position .
2016-04-18 12:06 am
It happens

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