My guy friend is always wanting to eat at nice places when we hang out but I've been paying and now I'm mad?

2016-04-17 2:07 pm
This is also causing a problem for my waistline because my metabolism is slower then his and now my clothes for my new job do not fit. I am very easy to please and would rather get a small salad or subway sandwich, but he has a problem eating fast food because he thinks it's gross. To him, all food is fast food if it's not a full service restaurant. I've also been paying for these meals out of niceness. Now, I'm bitter and I've tried talking to him but he just says "Oh please" and he's not listening to my concerns, which I think are valid. Also, I've been out of work for a little over a month and I'm trying to build my savings nest back up after having to pay for bills, car insurance, cell phone, etc. Yahoo Answers: what should I say or do to get my point across to him?! He wants to hang out this week but my funds are dipping low until my first check comes, which is still 2 weeks away!!!

回答 (3)

2016-04-17 4:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're a yes person, just like me. You will have to put your foot down and say, "No." If he can't accept that answer, maybe he's not the right guy. I have a similar situation, just in reverse. She refuses to admit that I pay for almost everything that is related to entertainment, be it going out to a movie, paying for the cab, paying for the dishes at the restaurant, paying the tip even when we go dutch. She counters that by saying every once in a while I stay at her place and that's her contribution, but I imprint a very mild footprint in not using anything in her apartment but using the sink and toilet. So, I get where you're coming from.
2016-04-17 3:59 pm
Option 1: tell him he's paying or you're not going out to eat- do something else instead.

Option 2: call off the outing. Hang out with him when you have the funds. It's only fair if he insists on being expensive.
2016-04-17 2:33 pm
Oh come on, he's a professional parasite, I've been there and done that. Time to get this tick removed and find new people who pay their way. Nice only gets you used and abused so new job new start.

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