am i too old at 31 to do a law degree?

2016-04-17 3:27 am

回答 (24)

2016-04-17 3:43 am
NO, you are NOT to old. i was 39 years old when i went back to school , and 47 When i got master's degree. I'm trying to go back to school for a second master's degree and I am 63 years old.
2016-04-17 6:25 pm
Not at all. One of my friends started law school in his early 30's and now has a very lucrative law career that he enjoys.
2016-04-17 3:21 pm
It will be harder to get hired as a lawyer.
2016-04-17 7:39 am
the only thing that matters is the school you get into

if you don't get into a top 14 law school
then you're going to be an ambulance chaser

you won't make any money and you'll have tons of student loans to pay off
2016-04-17 3:43 am
Depends entirely on how wealthy u are.
If single and don't mind decade of Debts payments slavery while trying to get employed.
Go for real world research about the industry
2016-04-17 4:27 pm
Of course not. Why on earth would you think that?

Laws schools have many students over 30 -- and over 40 and 50.
2016-04-17 2:30 pm
2016-04-17 6:22 am
not at all
2016-04-17 3:28 am
hell no, you are never too old to do anything. go for it :)
2016-04-17 3:27 am
no. you're never too old
2016-04-17 3:52 am
You're 31, not 71.
There's much older and uglier people than you that go to uni, mature students of various age groups are very common (I was a 'young mature student' myself). There's no age limit, and employers won't really care. Other people on your course won't care, it's not like school. Having hard circumstances earlier in your life like kids, mental health, whatever are not uncommon.

If you're thinking of doing a law degree, tread carefully though. Depending on what you want to actually do, you should put serious thought into which university you want to get into, because it really does matter. I gather from your Q&A you're from the UK... If you're aiming on working for the Magic Circle (top law firms), then you should be aiming for places like Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Bristol, and Durham.
Alternatively you could do a degree in pretty much anything else then do a Graduate Diploma in Law afterwards.

If you're going back into education I recommend looking in your local colleges for Access courses. They're designed for mature students returning to education, and despite what some people think, the top universities do accept them. I got into a redbrick to do a biological sciences degree and an aquintance of mine got into Cambridge to do law through one at the age of 26 a few years ago (he published a diary and his UCAS personal statement on a popular student forum, he also became a poster boy for the college he did it at)
2016-04-20 12:41 pm
Well, if circumstances allow you to continue with degree then why not?
2016-04-19 11:43 pm
No, you might be looked down on. But hold on, suffering first and then sucess.
2016-04-19 2:16 pm
We have too many ******* lawyers. We need more garbage men and ditch diggers.
2016-04-19 2:02 am
No. Absolutely not.
2016-04-18 4:00 pm
There's is no age requirement to learn
2016-04-18 3:55 pm
your never to old to become an non citizen that owes an oath to the crown
2016-04-18 2:21 pm
Do whatever you want to do and don't give a damn about what other people think
2016-04-17 9:13 pm
You're kind of old, if you are really looking to be a lawyer, but you are not too old yet. 45 is too old, if you are looking to be a lawyer. Unless you don't mind working until you are 85.

If you just want the degree, age 70 is not too old. People of any age can get it, if they simply want the degree.
2016-04-17 8:57 pm
btw im not over 31 so dont think that im old !
i know some people who went at the age of 40
2016-04-17 2:22 pm
Definitely not. You'll be on the older side, but not the oldest.
2016-04-17 1:04 pm
No, not at all. People in their 50s and older do law degrees, graduate and work in law firms.
2016-04-17 3:41 am
Hell, no!!! I didn't finish my Bachelors til I was 34, and didn't get my Masters until I was 45. Presuming you've already acquired your Bachelors (in something), you'll grad Law School in four more years, or less. Go get the LSAT prep guide & good luck!!!
2016-04-17 6:46 am
If you are under 37, then you are not too old for a law degree. Most people who attend law school are 25+. Also don't listen to those who tell you that nobody is too old for college. Obviously if you're 54, you theres really no point in going back to school right? its common sense.

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