My boyfriends mom is sexual with my boyfriend?

2016-04-16 12:35 pm
If I'm in laying in his bed she'll throw on a skimpy short rode & lay their to provactly while she talks to him. She uses stupid excuses to get him away from me like helping her open blinds, & download stuff to her computer's, cooks dinner for him, cooking dinner is fine but to wait on him hands and feet is odd especially if he complains she'll take his **** like some wife's would. She's giving me the impression he was molested by her sexual behavior. His dad wasn't in the picture so shes using him to play her husband role & would guilt trip him into staying home & not moving out. He bought her brand new tires, pays the bills, bought a new dryer for their house as if they were together. Help?

回答 (6)

2016-04-16 12:41 pm
"He bought her brand new tires, pays the bills, bought a new dryer for their house as if they were together"

No he bought them as he lives there and contributes to the home he lives in

Its not very odd doing everything for him if she is at home all day and he works
what else would she do? cook for herself and not him so he has to cook when he comes home? pointless

He may be a bit of a mommas boy
but to jump to them being in a sexual relationship says way WAY more about you than them
why are you with him if you think that?

Sounds like because it was just the 2 of them, they are close
and you are jealous of that
2016-04-16 12:48 pm
Well if he's that much of a Mommys boy you don't stand a chance.
2016-04-16 1:52 pm
I would make certain that you have indisputable evidence before accusing a mother and son of having sex together. That's not just a light accusation to throw around. It sounds like mommy is maybe too much in the picture, and that sonny has grown accustomed to her being smothering in her need of him. But that doesn't mean they are screwing each other. As has been suggested, I would take the route of telling him that you find his mother's presence to be overbearing, and see how he reacts.
2016-04-16 1:09 pm
Yjis man has a problem, but it isn't yours to deal with. Why are you with his loser?
2016-04-16 1:00 pm
She probably just feels comfortable dressing like that in front of her son and that could be the extent of it. However, I have heard and seen instances where both a daughter and a son have taken on the role of acting like the partner and even to the extent of having sex, so that is something to ponder. I agree with Patricia, he sounds like a mommy's boy.
2016-04-16 12:42 pm
Sounds weird to me, the only thing I would do is tell him how you feel and if he gets offensive, then that is a red flag, and time for you to pack up and go.!

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