Is it fair to say that Western women have never been treated as badly as women in other parts of the world?

2016-04-16 2:47 am

回答 (13)

2016-04-16 4:00 am
Western women:

Advantaged in employment
Advantaged in healthcare
Advantaged education
Advantaged in family law
Advantaged in criminal justice system

Women in some third world outcries:

Shot for going to school

I don't know, sounds kinda equal to me.
2016-04-16 4:20 am
If you are ignorant then yes.

The reality is many western countries are cesspools (Bulgaria, Romania etc).

Also if you think women have it hard in Japan, East China, HK, Singapore, SK etc. Then you are highly ignorant of the world.

Those are the facts, but you obviously have some agenda and want to skew things to keep your agenda.
2016-04-16 3:06 am
I think it's fair to say that a good number of women have struggled for their survival, no different than some other women in other parts of the world have.
2016-04-16 2:49 am
I think it is fair to say in a general sense, but there may be specific cases that show otherwise
2016-04-16 2:49 am
No, it's not. This question is so vague it's meaningless in honesty. And answers are vague as well because none of you really have knowledge about this subject, just opinions.
2016-04-16 2:49 am
Yes it is fair to say. You do understand that you have opened yourself up to all kinds of hate from the feminists who are always on the prowl looking for an excuse to blow up at someone.
2016-04-16 2:54 am
Never? In all of human history? I don't know if that's fair to say. The inquisition did happen, after all.
2016-04-16 3:31 am
All western women are not the same but you can pretend they all have a cakewalk while some struggle with things you could never imagine - that is what being a sexist creep is all about - a total lack of compassion and humanity.
2016-04-16 3:03 am
Black slave women probably but white women? No probably not.
參考: History
2016-04-16 2:56 am
It's a bit of a generalization but it's fairly accurate.

Sure, there might be some Chinese Empress who had it better than some homeless American woman but generally, western women have it pretty good.
2016-04-16 5:04 am
Yes. The most privileged, protected, and pampered demographic in history still think that they are victims. Women were never oppressed. The historical world of women was one of "being protected and provided for".
參考: The Feminist Definition of Oppression The Myth of Women's Oppression
2016-04-16 7:26 pm
its wrong
2016-04-16 5:51 am
With all the advantages western wonen have and who knows what's down the road it is abhorrenty unfair to say they have treated worse than their not so lucky counterparts.

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