T-mobile Sim question, please help.?

2016-04-16 1:37 am
I got a new phone and my Sim card broke for T mobile. When I buy a new sim card, how can I "sync" it to my current account/plan so I can use my unlimited data?

And when I buy a sim, if I buy a non activated Sim card, what do I do to use it?

回答 (3)

2016-08-07 8:11 am
參考: 100% Free Cell Phone : http://FreeCellPhones.iukiy.com/?FItc
2016-04-16 2:03 am
If you buy the sim from t-mobile they will do everything for you, I think they charge like $13 for a new sim card.
2016-04-16 1:42 am
A call to your local T-Mobile store or customer service will get you the answer you are looking for.

Or go here:

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:07:19
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