Help with friend ?

2016-04-15 9:33 pm
Hello. I been in a dark place recently and have got depression two suicide attempts and have been self harming I am a 13 year old girl. Also this problem is being sorted by the way . My friend is really close to me and we are honestly perfect for each other as friends, we are so close that since something so bad has happened to me she also gets very upset. However this is going to sound pretty terrible but I think she just wants attention herself ( by the way I am a very private person and haven't told anyone so I'm not in it for attention). She self harmed but only three ' shapes ' as she did it with a compass and now she not eating . The thing is she doesn't understand that she is hurting her mum because her mum self harmed and had anorexia so it's really upsetting her. So I stole her compass and she thinks her parents took it. She is always telling everyone about her not eating which is odd because she is famous for loving food, so I think she might want a bit of attention . This is also making me unhappy as I am living off 400 cals a day and exercising a lot because I am self conscious so I get really upset whenever she mentions it ... What should I do

回答 (2)

2016-04-16 1:33 am
You have severe depression so tell a dr. about it and ask for Zoloft. It takes 3-4 wks for your body to get used to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will be a whole new, happy, healthy person
2016-04-15 9:52 pm
I think you need to start eating more and stop self-harming. When your friend sees you behaving in a healthier and less self-damaging way, it will inspire her to stop her own attention-seeking behavior, and you'll both be better off for it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 18:03:15
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