What does depressive symptoms mean ?!?!?

2016-04-15 9:27 pm
I've been diagnosed with depressive symptoms rather than depression can you please tell me what this means.surely if I have the symptoms I have depression right

回答 (5)

2016-04-16 12:40 pm
lack of energy.
lack of drive or motivation.
feeling of being alone.
2016-04-15 9:38 pm
It means absolutely nothing without knowing the context of the conversation.

There aren't any symptoms that occur in a person with depression that do not also occur in people without depression. The only difference is that people without depression have moods that reflect whatever they are doing or thinking at the moment. To a person without depression fun things feel fun, and its easy to get excited about things you look forward to. To a person with depression, nothing feels fun and the mood and energy level doesn't change much one way or another when they encounter a situation that would normally be exciting.
2016-04-15 9:30 pm
Don't talk yourself into problems. Symptoms just means you are like everyone else, some days you are down, some you are fine. Try to maximize the up days and don't take every word people say as meaningful.
2016-04-16 1:34 am
Verge of depression so tell a dr. about it and ask for Zoloft. It takes 3-4 wks for your body to get used to it during which time you will have trouble staying asleep. But, after that, you will be a whole new, happy, healthy person
2016-04-15 9:27 pm

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