Is this healthy?

2016-04-15 8:30 pm
I eat about 500 calories a day and I have a trampoline and I do quite a lot of exercise on there bit I don t know how much I burn but I must spend an hour on there but with breaks in between and I m a 13 year old girl

Will I get thinner ???

回答 (4)

2016-04-15 8:45 pm
Absolutely not healthy.

Until you are in your late teens or have grown no taller for 36 months, you cannot safely drop below 1500 calories per day. Even if you are quite a bit overweight, your body will go into starvation mode if you eat fewer calories than that.

You will lose weight, as you are probably seeing, but what you are losing is muscle mass. In starvation mode, your body conserves stored fat (just what you didn't want, I bet) for the starvation it thinks is coming. It breaks down muscle to meet its needs, and if you exercise, it breaks down even more muscle.

This is bad for two reasons. One, muscle that's not working still burns calories (unlike fat), so you don't want to lose muscle mass; you need it to maintain a lower weight. Two, the heart is a muscle, and you lose enough cardiac muscle you end up like my friend Cathy.

She's been dead a long time now, so it doesn't hurt to think about her. She had a heart attack less than a mile from the hospital that sends out ambulances. They were working on her within five minutes, but they could not get her damaged heart started again.

What a waste. She could have lost weight slower, in complete safety--like you can.
2016-04-15 9:08 pm
No, it's not healthy. You are seriously undereating. At your age, you need 2000 healthy calories a day. OTherwise you aren't healthy, you won't grow as tall as you could, and you will screw up puberty.

When you eat that little, your metabolism slows down and you don't lose weight and your body starts living off itself, with serious health problems resulting.

1/4 of your diet should be protein, 1/4 for multi and whole grains, and 1/2 for fruit and veggies.
2016-04-15 8:51 pm
No, it's not healthy at all, at your age you should be at least eating
1,800 to 2,200 calories.
2016-04-15 8:41 pm
no, 500 calories is way too little for anybody.

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