Why is support for socialism growing in AMERICA? Why do people not want to be capitalist?

2016-04-15 4:49 pm

回答 (13)

2016-04-15 5:24 pm
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For the past sixty-five years or so our young people have been being taught the Marxist/Communist doctrine in out colleges. For about the past forty years or so it has seeped down into our high schools and primary schools.
2016-04-15 4:50 pm
For the 18,000th time...

The US is not a strictly capitalist country. We have MANY socialist programs in the US.
2016-04-15 5:08 pm
Since the year, 2000 the capitalists have been in control of the government and our financial structure fell into ruin . Under their control we have seen the dismantling of factories as corporate raiders, like Mitt Romney, sold bits and pieces of America's backbone to Communist China. The capitalists have made billions which they hid in offshore accounts so the working class would be forced to pay all the taxes. The republicans seem to think that was fine-- because the capitalists told them " they were the job creators."

Every time we elect a republican president we have war and massive war debt. Every republican candidate-- Trump, Kasich, Cruz-- is promising to put troops on the ground in the Middle East and this is a huge red flag.

The law makers have made laws that only benefit their capitalists friends, who pay them well. We have leaders, like McConnell whose Chinese wife, and father -in-law, own a fleet of transporting ships that bring the cheap imports to the US. They have made millions so, what would be McConnell's incentive to create jobs in the US, when he is profiting by keeping the jobs in China

Once the Panama Papers are published, we will know who the 200 American billionaires involved in war profiteering, money laundering, and who hid money in offshore accounts to avoid paying taxes. The Conservatives are working overtime trying to delay that --until after the election.
2016-04-15 7:08 pm
Democratic socialism works really well all over the world, and the people in those countries are healthier and happier than Americans, not to mention 9 of those countries are more prosperous than the U.S.

Go see "Where to Invade Next." It's an eye-opener.
2016-04-15 5:02 pm
We have never had a capitalistic system as defined .
What we increasingly have is what is called crony capitalism which is the corrupt relationship between our elected reps and wealthy individuals and corporations .in fact we are no longer a democracy in any meaningful sense but are now an oligarchy.
2016-04-15 4:54 pm
Its growing because greed and unbridled capitalism almost brought the nation down in 2008. Many have not yet recovered from the disappearance of their retirement funds. What is growing is the movement to keep capitalism better regulated, not get rid of it. And the support is for democratic socialism, which still depends upon capitalism, but just keeps it in check better.
2016-04-15 10:11 pm
It is not capitalism so much as it is the vulture capitalism that is destroying the middle class that Americans are beginning to turn against.
2016-04-15 5:14 pm
Free enterprise takes work. Socialism only requires loafing and mooching. Bernie is an excellent example.
2016-04-16 1:34 pm
Fewer know about history and are dazzled by the bright, shiny superficial promise of what Socialism says it can do.
2016-04-15 4:54 pm

Reality doesn't necessarily reflect perception. And certainly not as reported.

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