thoughts on the name Josiah Alexander for a baby boy? this will be my second boy. Or Alexander Josiah? which sounds best?

2016-04-15 12:52 am

回答 (7)

2016-04-15 3:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I like both names, Josiah and Alexander. The order doesn't really matter much. However, I prefer Josiah as a first name, over Alexander. Alexander is more common than Josiah is. If you can decide, look into the nicknames. Do you want an Alex or Joe?
2016-04-15 7:17 pm
I like Josiah Alexander. Great name!
2016-04-15 9:34 am
Josiah Alexander is nice
2016-04-15 12:59 am
Alexander Josiah
2016-04-15 4:38 am
Alexander Josiah nn AJ :)
2016-04-15 12:58 am
Alexander Josiah
2016-04-15 1:33 am
doesn't matter he will just be Al or Jo

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