I'm 14 and my life is so boring.?

2016-04-14 3:10 pm
I don't have anything to do.
I have school friends, and we love each other very much, but with them, we make plans that either go on without me or that just don't get into action in the first place. I also have 2 out of school friends (they're my best friends) and we hung out for literally 3 days in a row (on and off, not a sleepover). It was really fun, but I always get scared that if I hang out with them too much I'll stop appreciating them, and I never want that to happen. So at this pace, I usually see them once or twice a week, but it's totally spontaneous.
Anyway.. On school days, I just go to school, have fun with friends, then stay after school and do homework. When I come back home I just sit and go on the internet because there's nothing to do. My mother likes going outside with me, but when we do, we always do the same thing. We just go outside, have a literal 10 minute walk in a stupid park, and then my mother gets tired so she begs that we go back to the car. I'm just here waiting if the real walk is going to actually start.
I actually have a hobby, and that's drawing. I got a Wacom tablet to connect to a computer, but OH NO, we don't even have a computer. What the heck? Did my parents just do that to troll me? (Lol) I also like video games.
I'm just so bored everyday. There's nothing to do and I'm a generally introverted person so I don't want to join sports clubs and I don't like showing my work to the public so I don't want to join a competition if any sort.

回答 (5)

2016-04-14 3:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
kill yourself you ******* ****** you have no reason to live. I bet you're a dirty jew and hitler was right **** yourself with a giant black dildo and throw yourself in your oven. Hitler was right HEIL
2016-04-14 5:36 pm
give a party and switch off tv
2016-04-14 3:18 pm
What i do for fun, adrenaline, and excitement with my friends is go out airsofting, if your parents don't let you do it then ask your parents to do it for your birthday party or suggest it to your friends.
2016-04-14 3:15 pm
Hey, your just at the stage where you want fun. Ask your family to go on a vacation such as Disney Land or something fun. Have you ever been to an amusement park? If so then just hang out with them at fun places in your town/city.
2016-04-14 3:13 pm
Be curious. A curious mind finds everything interesting
There is no bigger block to getting over boredom than overthinking the situation.
Volunteer your time for community service.

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