why american and canadian police can use rubber bullets, sound cannons, tear gas while uk bobbies won't use them?

2016-04-14 3:01 pm

回答 (6)

2016-04-14 3:09 pm
Because the US and Canada are simply too large with too many people and, as a result, need more extreme means to control the population. Smaller countries like England, Denmark, and other smaller European countries have far fewer problems in that regard.
2016-04-14 3:03 pm
UK is more politically correct liberal SJW.
2016-04-14 5:18 pm
American and Canadian police clearly need to with much larger populations, gun laws as they have, UK police don't need to, a smaller population, strict weapons laws, legally held responsible, permission asked for/give prior means unauthorised large groups of people are easily identified dispersed/arrested however all those things are available to UK police if required, it is just not required when police are well trained and have legal plans in place
2016-04-14 4:07 pm
The UK cops can manage perfectly well without them in normal circumstances.

They have rapid access to Armed Response Units if it's really necessary, but as very few people own guns, due to our strict laws, they're rarely required.

If there is civil unrest, riots, etc, they do have access to rubber bullets, sound cannons and tear gas - but again, they're not often needed.

On a day-to-day basis, our police officers rely on character, bravery, determination and intelligence to resolve problems and we don't need to shoot people.
2016-04-14 3:04 pm
American and Canadian police use Democrat control tactics based on the Democrat protestors they encounter..Maybe the UK Labour soccer 'hooligans' have lost their mojo.
2016-04-14 3:10 pm
The UK are pansies

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