What do people think about Justin bieber's blonde hair?

2016-04-14 10:07 am

回答 (7)

2016-04-14 10:28 am
So who's he then?
2016-04-14 10:11 am
bustin jiebers looks amazing as a lesbian !
2016-04-14 10:10 am
She looks good.
2016-04-14 10:07 am
I have no comment.
2016-04-14 10:08 am
Fukn looks like a vietnam buktoof sissy tran-e guy that blonde hair sissy man with vietnam bukteef and name starts with D all the way in america fkn fgt
2016-10-07 1:04 am
Justin Bieber Blonde Hair
2016-04-15 2:38 pm
I don't like it. He looks much better with his natural brown hair

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