Should I just go to LA and stop worrying about my parents?

2016-04-14 12:52 am
I'm 29 I still live at home with my parents I do work and go to college. They give me a hard time about traveling telling me I don't need to travel alone that I'm stupid because I want to. (THEY WILL BE TAKING ME TO THE AIRPORT AND PICKING ME UP WHEN I RETURN) The first time I went to LA I told them I was going for a class reunion. They found out I was lying because I had told my auntie I was going to see a friend and she told my mother. The second time I was planning to go to LA after I spent sometime with my friend in Mississippi. But she told on me because I was going to miss her wedding. So my parents found out but I was still able to go when I took my kid brother with me in February. They were the ones who paid for him to go. I want to go back to LA In June I told my mom I was meeting up with a friend there which is true. Of course she went off on me telling me I'm stupid for wanting to go etc. Now I'm just tired of it so instead I'm planning to visit my family in Atlanta. I have family in Atlanta so they won't mind me going there. After I spend a few days in Atlanta with my family I'm flying to Los Angeles. I tried to tell my parents the truth and be honest but they give me a hard time. They would be ok with me going to Atlanta but I'm not telling them I'm flying to Los Angeles. I've been to LA twice already so this won't be my first time going.

I plan to be gone for seven days but I'm spending four days in Atlanta and three days in LA. They are ok with me going to Atlanta because I have family there my mom said it's better if I go to Atlanta but I'm not telling them that I'm going to LA. I have a friend who lives in Georgia who I am meeting up with I'm going to tell my parents I will be with him those three days that I'm in LA.


I tried to be honest with my mom when I told her I wanted to go back to LA and she started calling me stupid etc.

回答 (14)

2016-04-14 1:10 am
We have been telling you for months that it's time to stand up for yourself. If you are looking for an easier answer, it's not coming.
2016-04-14 1:12 am
Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnd - the troll returns. And you Mom has the exact assessment of m your mental capabilities, too.
2016-04-14 4:11 pm
Dude, you're 29. Time to cut the cord and grow up.
2016-04-14 2:26 am
i've read this a few times before, but i still don't understand how you're 29 and your parents treat you like a 13 year old. if you're using your own money, you can travel whenever you want. doesn't matter what they say, they can't stop you. if you need a ride to the airport, call a taxi. just be like "look, i'm going to LA this week. call or text me if you need me. bye."

if you keep letting this happen, you'll be living with them and their judgement forever
2016-04-14 1:28 am
You are 29 years old! Frankly you don't have to answer to anyone and travelling or doing anything you want is your personal freedom. You don't have to explain everything, of course i'm not saying parents' advise or concern isn't good but this is too much. If you are still counting on them finantially then i suggest you cut loose as soon as you can. And you can live in your own apartment (completely up to you) need to be more independent and if you live alone and work..etc, you wouldn't be distancing yourself but rather being an adult. What i'm trying to say is, they should give you advice and all but they can't forbid you from doing what you want. Sorry if i seemed harsh but that's the truth. :)
2016-04-14 9:14 pm
Oh my god. Not THIS sh*t again. How many times have you asked this in the past year? And I see you're now 29, so another year has passed and you're STILL asking about this fantasy scenario of yours.
You're almost as bad as the idiot in the "Dining Out" section who repeatedly asks about ordering a pizza and having it to go.
2016-04-16 4:52 am
Yeah, you are an adult now and buddy its should be your decision what you want to do. So grow up baby.
2016-04-15 6:46 pm
You've been asking this same lame question for so long that you're probably 30 or even 31 by now
2016-04-15 6:41 pm
Why are you still living at home at 29 years old? Why do they need to know all about your personal life. You can call a pick up service to take you to and from the airport. If you lived by yourself all you would have to tell them you are going to where ever you are going and that is all they need to know.
2016-04-15 4:21 pm
Parents worry your entire life, sometimes forgetting you are an independent adult. Go but realize worry can mean love.
2016-04-23 2:44 pm
2016-04-14 4:36 am
Well, you are making progress with your parents. {They are getting you to and from the airport.} Just cross your fingers that your friend (or relatives) in Atlanta do not spill the beans (that you left there to go to L.A.).

>> Idea: why don't you take your mother to L A with you? She might like it, and get over her fear of you flying to the west coast. Keep us posted !
2016-04-14 12:53 am
2016-04-14 5:05 am
Yes. Especially if your parents are spics.

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