Poll: people who always cry= weak?

2016-04-13 2:46 pm

回答 (15)

2016-04-13 2:47 pm
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No people who cry are strong. They aren't afraid to release emotions. They don't keep it hidden inside. They are typically more compassionate people. People who have a huge heart.
2016-04-13 2:53 pm
I disagree. My friend cries over everything. When she's happy, sad, thinks somethings cute, when she's stressed. But she's probably one of the strongest people I know! She has a rough home life and never complains or cries over that. She only stupid funny things.
2016-04-13 2:49 pm
No. Sometimes it's ok to have a good cry.
2016-04-13 2:48 pm
Not weak, but easily moved emotionally.
2016-04-13 2:47 pm
No. They just have problems or something and need a relief
2016-05-05 3:08 pm
Sometimes we need to cry, bottling it all up isn't good for you.
2016-04-13 4:56 pm
people that you never see cry are the weakest
people that you often see cry are the strongest.
2016-04-13 3:26 pm
No they are just in touch with their emotions
2016-04-13 3:12 pm
No. Crying is not a form of weakness. Shows that you are capable of emotion.
2016-04-13 2:51 pm
= Wrong..Tears are a release of hurts as well,not always in the negative..they are as well a release in joys in life,not a weakness..those unable to express within life,in any area of their lives..are weak..they hold all inside themselves,not strong enough to express what they need to release.~*
2016-04-13 2:50 pm
2016-04-13 2:48 pm
2016-04-13 2:47 pm
No whether they're so emotional or they have some mental problem that should be helped with, it's not weakness.
2016-04-13 3:49 pm
2016-04-13 2:49 pm
People who cry are not weak, but people who ALWAYS cry are weak.

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