In the "Our Father Prayer" Matthew 6:9-13, the 1st thing Jesus asks his followers to pray for is the Father's name to be sanctified?

2016-04-13 12:57 pm
How can we sanctify a name if we don't know it? Why does it need to be sanctified/cleansed?

回答 (17)

2016-04-13 12:59 pm
West Ham 6-0 Man Utd.
2016-04-13 12:59 pm
In the "Our Father Prayer" Matthew 6:9-13, the 1st thing Jesus asks his followers to pray for is the Father's name to be sanctified -

Yeah, and in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus suggests that if you're attracted to a woman you should pluck your eyes out.

Jesus sure was smart!
2016-04-13 1:02 pm
I blame the monk who did the transcribing.

Obviously, "YHWH", the Hebrew name, as written, without vowels, should be pronounced "Harold".
as in

"HAROLD be the name".
2016-04-13 1:07 pm
The problem with your question is that if Jesus wanted us to use a particular name for God, why did He not use that name Himself in the chapter on prayer? Yet He told His Jewish listeners to start off by saying, "Our Father who is in heaven...."

Why did He not say, "Our Yahweh who is in heaven..."?

Why, indeed, is there not even one single occurrence of any kind of representation of the Tetragram in the entire Christian Greek scriptures? Even when Jesus and the apostles are quoting from Hebrew scriptures about Yahweh, they never use the Tetragram (or any Greek version of it).

The good name of a person is their reputation. The bad name of a person is their reputation. "A good name is better to be desired than rubies" the Bible tells us. This does not mean the letters of the alphabet put together to form a name like James, or John, or Mary, or Elizabeth!

The Name of God is all that He stands for and all the holiness and goodness that He represents. It is way above and beyond a verbal sound we create with pronouncing letters of the alphabet a particular way!

Christians know that they bear the name of Christ Jesus. It's not that all Christians are called 'Jesus' - it is that they are called Christians - those who belong to Jesus by faith. They represent Jesus. They are ambassadors for God and appeal to people to be reconciled to God, through Christ.

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." 2 Corinthians 5:20-21. By doing that, we are sanctifying God's good name by honourably bearing the name of Christ.
2016-04-13 2:58 pm
Hallowed be thy name....Just means...blessed be his the phrase Muslims put after mentioning Allah's doesn't mean you have to do anything....his name is already blessed.

Mo Theology scholar
2016-04-13 1:14 pm
if you back up JUST A LITTLE to matthew 6:6 you'll see that we are TO PRAY SILENTLY, and IN PRIVATE. stop judging people and FOR GAWD SAKE read the bible you preach from or else risk getting schooled, like right now.
2016-04-16 3:28 am
Matt 6:9, John 17:11 and Rev all say the name of God is "Holy", these do not say the that God's name is too holy to speak. They are saying that God's name is HOLY. What's the guys name n first?
2016-04-13 4:01 pm
And NOT his own name...
(Exodus 6:3) And I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but with regard to my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them.
Jesus was not known to the Jews at this time.
Jesus was alongside his father in a master worker...
Proverbs 8: 22-31
2016-04-13 3:25 pm
Please look up the word "name" in any English dictionary.
If you're not satisfied with an English translation, here are the meanings of the Greek word that is translated "name" in that passage.
As is usually (almost always) the case when the word "name" is used in reference to God in the New Testament, the word "name" in that passage refers to the **reputation** of God, not to the personal name of God.

Naturally if the meaning "personal name" were intended by the author or Jesus, then the author and/or Jesus **would have addressed God by that personal name in that very same statement** instead of or in addition to addressing God as "our Father in Heaven". So: **the immediate textual context** argues that the meaning "personal name" was NOT the meaning of the word "name" (or "onoma") employed by the author and/or by Jesus.
2016-04-13 2:43 pm
When you're God you have more than one name. Jesus provides the name here- Father. Then He instructs His followers to pray to the Father.

The Watchtower claims that Jesus really meant for us to pray using the name Jehovah. Well, the name Jehovah wasn't coined until centuries later by a Catholic priest. If Jesus had used the covenant name given to Moses, it would have been Yahweh. The problem with this theory is that Yahweh is not used once in the entire New Testament. If the Watchtower theory were true then the name Jehovah would fill the New Testament as much as the Watchtower Society's literature. It doesn't. It isn't used once. When they "translate" the Bible, the Watchtower dishonestly inserts the name Jehovah as if it is there in the original manuscripts. It's not.
2016-04-13 1:24 pm
"Holy is your Name" Is a proclamtion. We don't sanctify anything.
2016-04-13 1:20 pm
Hallowed be Thy name, whatever it is.
2016-04-13 1:20 pm
delusional ancient goat herders living in ignorance and poverty, had nothing but their name.....which is why the god they made up, has a hard on for his name....
2016-04-13 1:39 pm
First, what a privilege it is for us not only to know God’s personal name but also to bear it as “a people for his name.” (Acts 15:14; Isaiah 43:10) We implore our heavenly Father: “Let your name be sanctified.” Your making such a request may move you to ask Jehovah to help you to avoid doing or saying anything that would dishonor his holy name. We do not want to be like some in the first century who did not practice what they preached. The apostle Paul wrote of them: “The name of God is being blasphemed among the nations because of you.”—Romans 2:21-24.

We want to sanctify God’s name. For that to happen, Jehovah must act to remove all who willfully reject his sovereignty. (Ezekiel 38:22, 23.) Mankind will gradually be brought to perfection. How we long for the time when all intelligent creation will treat Jehovah’s name as holy! Then, at last, our loving heavenly Father will “be all things to everyone.”—1 Corinthians 15:28.
參考: Bible /
2016-04-13 1:06 pm
no he is not saying that

in praying were to say our father who is in heaven. most holy or blessed is your name
2016-04-13 1:04 pm
Jesus instructs us to pray for God’s name to be sanctified, or set apart as holy. But what is God’s name? The Bible answers in these words: “You, whose name is Jehovah, you alone are the Most High over all the earth.” (Psalm 83:18) Have you ever read the name Jehovah in the Bible?

Actually, God’s name, Jehovah, appears nearly 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts. However, some translators have gone so far as to remove this name from their versions of the Bible. Rightly, therefore, we pray for our Creator to sanctify his name, or make it holy.
參考: Holy bible
2016-04-13 1:03 pm
Jesus's Father's name is Jehovah, and His name needs to be sanctified because He is God, our creator.

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