Hoverboard or Camera?

2016-04-13 5:12 am

回答 (14)

2016-04-14 1:31 am
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Hoverboard of course!
2016-04-13 3:20 pm
Hoverboards take horrible images.
2016-04-14 9:33 pm
2016-04-13 8:51 am
2016-04-13 7:16 am
If this were the Hoverboard section I would tell you that Hoverboarding is sooo much more worthwhile than photography.
But it isn't.
2016-04-13 5:37 am
Camera offcourse
2016-04-15 4:07 am
Too bad that "hoverboard" you're talking about is probably that thing with two wheels that makes anyone who rides it "cool" now. Not cool.

A camera. Duh, who would want a deceptively advertised, chinese garbage that's not going to last and possibly burn your entire house down? Sure as hell not me.
2016-04-15 12:13 am
2016-04-14 1:04 am
2016-04-13 3:34 pm

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