2016-04-13 1:18 am
Currently a high school sophomore, I want to build up on my resume. Anyone know whe re I can volunteer and possibly assume a position? I don't want anything generic like volunteer at library( I'm working on that)

回答 (4)

2016-04-13 2:39 am
2016-04-13 1:48 am
That is an interesting challenge. Most areas have leadership programs for school aged kids to develop their leadership skills. But you can develop leadership in other ways.

Leadership is not a single skill. I love Dale Carnegie's "The Leader in you" because it looks at how our personal characteristics can be developed to make us our type of leader.

So you can look at building some leadership skill such as

- Communications skills (Debating and public speaking)
- Guidance skills (be a tutor for younger kids)
- Vision and planning (be involved in young entrepreneur events and startup weekends)
and so on

Normally for leadership volunteering you need to volunteer in a place for a while then provide the guidance for others when they come through. So it requires longer term commitment (and sometimes they just don't give you the leadership opportunity)

You can also develop your own leadership opportunities by starting something. Maybe it is a petition to fix something in your local community, maybe it is your own youtube channel looking at young leaders or perhaps you organise an event for charity.
2016-04-13 1:23 am
Boys and Girls club, FBLA, Boy/girl scouts
2016-04-13 1:21 am
volunteer opportunities on LinkedIn is the best place to start if you want to build your resume!

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