Can prospective employers see if you reported a parent to CPS (Child Protective Services)?

2016-04-13 12:21 am
One of my friends was abused, and it got out of hand. He had to report it to CPS because he wasn't safe at home at all anymore. He's out of that situation now, but it was bad for a while. He's of the age where he needs to start applying for jobs and is worried that potential employers will be able to see it. (He wants to research it but doesn't want it traced back to him, which is why I'm asking here and researching instead of him.) I can't find anything about it because I'm a **** researcher. If you know, please tell me. Thank you in advance.

回答 (4)

2016-04-13 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
No one sees that, all reports to CPS are anonymous. Its never going to be public knowledge short of a court order.
2016-04-13 12:45 am
The public does not have access to that info, and CPS does not reveal information like that without a court order.
2016-04-13 1:27 am
Who files reports is not public information. Even if it were, why would a potential employer CARE if someone filed such a report?
If the applicant was the SUBJECT of such a report, that could be relevant to some jobs.
2016-04-14 6:39 pm
this is not public information, you idiot,this would not even show up in a back ground chk, he is applying for a job, WTF.Where do you people come up with these stupid questions

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