Should I make this payment?

2016-04-12 7:28 pm
I came along a Chinese wholesaler who claims that they sell original Apple products. I asked them if they accept PayPal and they said yes. Their website didn t give an option of PayPal payment but they sent me a money request when I sent them my order. They also told me that since it s the first time that they re doing business with me, I can t spend more than $1,000 with them. I also called PayPal to make sure they re legit and they told me that the seller is legit and they have transactions going on with other buyers. The seller sent me a money request and PayPal also told me that I m protected by their protection to get my money back if my order doesn t arrive. However, when I checked online, they have bad ratings where the consumers are saying that they got their money back from PayPal through a dispute. Since PayPal is telling me that they re legit and I m protected by them, should I make the payment or should I consider the online reviews of the site and move on?

回答 (4)

2016-04-12 8:07 pm
When in doubt, don't do it!
2016-04-12 7:36 pm
You don 't know what kind of a dispute those were. Perhaps, items were not as described or damaged when received. It is up to you whether you want to risk it. There are always some unreasonable and unethical buyers but if there are many unfavorable reviews where people attached photos of damaged items and the seller refused to refund and so the customer had to file a claim with Paypal, then I would not buy from them. The hassle and time and frustration would not be worth it. Read what the negative reviews say and how many of them there are compared to the positive sales. That should help you decide.
參考: Paypal User
2016-04-12 10:12 pm
Idk its something with Chinese sellers and undelivered items. My first online purchase was from a Chinese seller that offered me free shipping but the item didn't arrive. I'd suggest paying for an express delivery service which my friend did and got the items. Good luck
2016-04-12 7:57 pm

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