Whats the difference between a star cluster and a galaxy?

2016-04-12 3:49 pm

回答 (3)

2016-04-12 5:14 pm
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It's a good question... Star clusters are usually associated with galaxies - they're smaller, the stars have usually formed from a single nebula, so they're 'sister' stars (in many cases...) Galaxies - even the irregular galaxies - usually have far more stars than what we would regard as a 'cluster.'
2016-04-13 10:25 pm
There are WAY fewer star in a cluster, maybe only a few million.

There are often several hundre million, even billions, of star in a galaxy.
2016-04-12 6:32 pm
There's some overlap among small galaxies/large globular clusters, but basically galaxies are bigger, often much bigger.

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